When you have debt, every dollar you spend is a borrowed dollar. It’s a loop.
Many people have debt. Not as many people realise that, if you have debt of any kind, then every dollar you spend is another dollar you have borrowed. That’s how debt works.
Managing Debt Better – Good Debts versus Bad Debts
Interest rates are in the news and they will stay there for a while yet. So, now is a great time to think about how you are managing your debt. Over the next few weeks, we want to provide some fundamental advice that will help you or someone you love best manage their debts.
What to Do if Someone Dies
Australia’s death rate remains the same as it has always been. We get one death each. The problem is, very few of us know when our death will come. What is also certain is that we will know people who die before us. This is a quick guide to what to do if someone you love dies.
How to Win at Tennis. And Investing
It is Australian Open time again and the world’s attention focusses on Australia’s very own Grand Slam Tennis Tournament. Happily, with Covid restrictions much less this year, we will see a blockbuster tournament. May the best players win.
Give the Gift of Conversation – for the Good of the Country!
It is the festive season and for many of our clients, that means presents. Yes, the ones they receive. But also the ones they give. And giving, for many people, means buying. This year, rather than give people items you buy, why not give them something much more precious: your time.
Taking Time to Think
It is almost the end of the year. Which means, of course, that it is almost the start of next year. When it comes to money, the turning of the year means just one thing: New Year’s resolutions!
Superannuation When Retirement Comes into View
This is the third in our trilogy examining superannuation throughout a working life. Having looked at those people starting out in their career and those in the middle decades of their career, let’s focus on people in the last ten to fifteen years of their working lives. People for whom the gold watch of retirement is coming into view.
Mid-Career Superannuation
Last week, we looked at why super is, well, super, even for people just starting out in their careers. This week, we take a look at superannuation for people a little further advanced in their careers. Let’s say people aged 30-55.
Gen Z and Zuperannuation
Looking for a basic guide to super for when you are just just starting out in your career? Here it is!