Could you live on $2 a day?
Entrepreneur Elon musk spent his first month in the United States living on $1 a day. He was 17 years old. Obviously, this discipline did wonders for his personal financial planning. Other people have taken on a similar challenge and report much the same thing. This article shows what we can learn from their experience.

Buy the robots.
There are lots of good reasons to make an investment. One is to safeguard you and your family against the changing nature of the Australian economy. If robots are taking over the world, then why not invest in the robots?

Underwriting. Sounds serious
You may have heard the term underwriting in relation to your life insurance. Underwriting sounds serious. And, given why we need to take out life insurance, underwriting is relatively serious. But it is also quite straightforward. This article explains it all.

Parents as co-purchasers of property
Increasingly, parents are helping adult children buy property. This might be to assist younger person to get started in the market, or to help a person get back on their feet after something like a relationship ending. This article discusses one way in which parents and children might come own property.

Grandparents and school fees
According to some estimates, more than 60% of private school fees are at least partly funded by grandparents.

The Government is Giving Away Free Money!!!
Yes, it’s true. The government is giving away free money. There are a few catches, however, and they’re not going to give you a fortune. But if you qualify, this is a government perk that is well worth contemplating.

A parent’s job is never done
A parent’s job is never done. Losing a parent can hurt.

What is trauma insurance?
Trauma cover is a form of life insurance that provides a lump sum benefit if you experience a specified form of medical trauma. This trauma can be a critical illness or a critical injury - and some insurers allow you to select which of these you wish to be insured for.

More on the 2018 Budget
Last week we brought you the headlines. This week we bring you more analysis. Read on to see how this year’s Budget will affect you.