Life Insurance. Who needs it?
One of the most common questions we are asked is ‘who needs what’ kind of insurance cover? This week we examine the major types of life insurance and give our opinion as to who needs to take out each form of cover.

June 30. Why?
The financial year is about to end and it’s probably a bit late to do anything about it now. So, in this article, we give you a history of why Australia uses June 30 to mark the end of its financial year.

End of Financial Year Checklist
There are just a few more sleeps until the end of the financial year. Have you got your house in order? Our experience is that most people leave things to the last minute. But the last minute can still be useful if you use it to get things done. So, don’t despair. Read on.

Personal Super Contributions. Having your cake and eating it too.
Usually, to get a tax deduction, you need to spend money. And spending money makes you less wealthy. However, there is one kind of ‘expense’ that lets you have your financial cake and eat it too. Read on while we explain.

Franking Credits
A franking credit is sometimes attached to dividends that shareholders receive from companies. Most investors have heard the term. But do you know what it actually means?

Co-Contributions. You Can Get Something for Nothing.
If you have a spare $1000, you might consider making an extra contribution to your super fund. If your income is otherwise low, the Commonwealth government will give you up to an extra $500.

All about Death Cover
Death cover pays your loved ones a benefit if you die unexpectedly or prematurely. Hopefully, this never happens. But it pays to insure yourself, just in case.

Teaching Kids about Money
Australians’ median wealth is the highest in the world. So, a young Australian can look forward to having access to more material resources than their counterparts in every other country. If they can manage this money well, their life will be much easier.

Insurance Premiums and Tax
The tax treatment of life insurance premiums can be complicated. That said, if you can make your insurances as tax effective as possible, you can save many thousands of dollars over the life of your policies.