Pensions Loan Scheme
This week, we want to explore the concept or borrowing in retirement a little more fully by looking at a unique way of doing so – the Commonwealth Government’s Pension Loan Scheme.

What Can You Do When Your Wealth Is Not Cash?
In recent articles we've explored the personal and general reasons why many Australians choose not to sell their family home as they move into and through retirement. In this article, we look at ways that make keeping a family home easier once you stop working.

Why More People Do Not Downsize
You will often hear it said that the family home is a tax-free investment. This reflects the fact that there is no capital gains tax paid on your principal residence when you sell it. But capital gains tax is only part of the story. There is more than one way for tax to be incurred, and an often-overlooked tax might be partly the reason for the current boom in house prices.

Let’s Talk About Tax, Baby!
As the financial year draws to an end, there is still time to talk to your tax adviser about minimizing your tax bill for 2020/21. As a way of reminding you, we thought we would spend some time looking at who pays tax in Australia – and how much they earn before doing so!

Dear Abbey
We love reading those ‘Dear Abbey’ type letters to the newspaper. Especially the financial ones. Here is a classic we read recently – and what we would do if this were our client.

Lamingtons and Second Handers
Last week we discussed changes to superannuation that were announced in this month’s Federal Budget. This week, we look at changes that have been announced regarding tax, especially for individuals and small business.

Psst – the Changes to Super were Pretty Sneaky this year
In years gone by, Federal Budget night could be relied on to pretty much re-write the rules on all things superannuation. Not so these days, with this year’s changes almost able to sneak past without anyone noticing.

Budget 2021
The world moved a little more back towards normal this week as Commonwealth Treasurer Josh Frydenberg delivered the 2021 Budget at the traditional time of just after Home and Away on the second Tuesday in May.

Time to get organized: Non-concessional Super Contributions
As we said last week, the secret to good cooking is getting your preparation right. This week, we look at the issue of non-concessional super contributions and how you can aim to optimise this part of your super before June 30.