Lamingtons and Second Handers
Last week we discussed changes to superannuation that were announced in this month’s Federal Budget. This week, we look at changes that have been announced regarding tax, especially for individuals and small business.
Psst – the Changes to Super were Pretty Sneaky this year
In years gone by, Federal Budget night could be relied on to pretty much re-write the rules on all things superannuation. Not so these days, with this year’s changes almost able to sneak past without anyone noticing.
Budget 2021
The world moved a little more back towards normal this week as Commonwealth Treasurer Josh Frydenberg delivered the 2021 Budget at the traditional time of just after Home and Away on the second Tuesday in May.
Time to get organized: Non-concessional Super Contributions
As we said last week, the secret to good cooking is getting your preparation right. This week, we look at the issue of non-concessional super contributions and how you can aim to optimise this part of your super before June 30.
Concessional Super Contributions
The secret to good cooking is getting your preparation right. Making sure you have everything you need before you get started let’s you relax and enjoy the process. The same goes for your super – so now is the time to prepare yourself and avoid a rush before June 30.
Account-Based Income Streams
Super is not supposed to be locked up forever. Super is intended to be withdrawn and used to finance your retirement. In this article, we take a closer look at withdrawing your super slowly over time, using an income stream.
Helping Family into the Property Market
Rising house prices are great news for people who already have a home, but not so good for those yet to buy. This week, we look at ways that families can work together to make buying a home a reality.
Jobkeeper Is Ending
This Sunday marks a pivotal date in Australia’s journey out of the ‘economic troubles caused by Coronavirus. The Commonwealth Government’s main economic response to the pandemic, it’s ‘Jobkeeper’ payment, will not continue beyond March the 28th. If the end of the program affects you, please get in touch.
Do you know how accommodation costs work in aged care?
At least a quarter of a million Australians reside in residential aged care at any one point in time. As we saw last week, residents in aged care are asked to pay a range of fees for their stay. In this article, we will look a little more closely at the largest of these fees: the accommodation fee.