What is a testamentary trust?
Testamentary trusts are one way for people to ensure that their assets are well managed after they die. Read on to learn more about this important aspect of estate planning.
What’s all this about Inflation?
You might be hearing quite a bit about inflation lately. So, what is it and do we need to be worried?
100 Taxpayers Walk into a Bar…
Every year the Australian Tax Office releases it’s own version of it’s ‘Hottest 100.’ Well, not really. What the ATO actually does is ask us to imagine that there are only 100 taxpayers in Australia – and then give us a profile of what that 100 people look like, according to their tax returns. This helps us put our taxpaying efforts in perspective.
Housing’s Tug of War
This week, we saw another version of the tug of war at play in Australia’s residential property market. APRA is trying to pull prices in one direction while other arms of Government strive for the opposite result. Time will tell whose arms are stronger, but people wanting to buy homes should be barracking for APRA. A win for APRA would save people years of hard work.
Help with HELP
For most Australians, University is not free. That said, few Australians pay their Uni fees upfront. Most pay them via a loan scheme. This loan must be repaid when your income reaches a certain level. But a question sometimes arises: should you repay the debt sooner?
The Movie Sucks. Should You Head for the Exit?
You have paid $100 for gold class movie tickets. About a third of the way through, you realise that this is the worst film you have ever seen. Do you leave now or do you stay until the bitter end? Your answer might have big implications for your financial future.
How to Live Life with No Regrets
With half of our country in lockdown, and the other half worried about what is going to come next, this is a good time for some inspiring thinking. In fact, this is a great time to reflect on how we want to remember this time in our lives.
How to Make Your Money Make You Happy
We came across a wonderful little Ted Talk recently taking about how money can make you happy – provided you spend it right. The key is not what you buy with that money – it is who you buy something for.
What Makes Money, Money?
While privately-traded cryptocurrencies are becoming more well known, they are unlikely ever to be used as ‘money’ in Australia. To understand why, it helps to understand what makes money, money.