Last week you may have seen the release of a review into the Reserve Bank of Australia. The review calls for a number of changes, none of which are particularly earth-shattering or will change how monetary policy operates in Australia. But that begs a bigger question: what is monetary policy anyway?
If you have been travelling overseas for any length of time, you will have noticed how easy it has become to transfer Australian dollars into the currency of whichever country you are in. But, what actually happens when money is ‘transferred’ overseas?
Power is one of the biggest costs for households and small businesses. And the costs are rising. The good news is that many Australians can simultaneously improve their personal finances while reducing their use of fossil fuels.
You may have seen the recent news that an American Bank, Silicon Valley Bank, collapsed. This raises two important questions: what happened? And, could something similar happen here?
It is the festive season and for many of our clients, that means presents. Yes, the ones they receive. But also the ones they give. And giving, for many people, means buying. This year, rather than give people items you buy, why not give them something much more precious: your time.
It is almost the end of the year. Which means, of course, that it is almost the start of next year. When it comes to money, the turning of the year means just one thing: New Year’s resolutions!
The Federal Government delivered its first Budget this week. We will have more to write about this in coming weeks. But we want to tell you about one announcement that will be important to you if you are thinking of buying an electric car. Read on - and talk to us if you are thinking of buying a new car!
We wrote last week about exchange rates. The article inspired a few people to get in touch – including people thinking of travelling to the US - so this week we thought we would write some more about what actually causes exchange rates to fluctuate. You might paraphrase this article as “why has the US become so much more expensive?”