Entrepreneur Elon musk spent his first month in the United States living on $1 a day. He was 17 years old. Obviously, this discipline did wonders for his personal financial planning. Other people have taken on a similar challenge and report much the same thing. This article shows what we can learn from their experience.
Increasingly, parents are helping adult children buy property. This might be to assist younger person to get started in the market, or to help a person get back on their feet after something like a relationship ending. This article discusses one way in which parents and children might come own property.
Investment returns come in one of two forms. Different forms of investment return suit different investors. This article will help you decide which form of investment return you should be targeting.
Many people regard life insurance as a grudge purchase. Something they have to buy, not something they want to buy. This is exactly the wrong way to think about things. After all, how many things do you buy and hope you never use?
What is your most important financial asset? Is it your home? Your superannuation fund? Your investment portfolio? Your sports car (probably not!)? Actually, it’s you.
Did you know that two loans that look identical can have a radically different impact on your financial management? The difference lies in whether interest on a loan is deductible or not.
There is a big difference between the economic impact of deductible debt and non-deductible debt. This article examines how you can decide whether interest is deductible or not.